In a compelling article from The New Yorker titled “What a Heat Wave Does to Your Body,” Dhruv Khullar delves into the physiological effects of extreme heat on the human body, highlighting how rising global temperatures are causing severe illnesses and injuries. This article is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the impact of climate change on human health.

The Physiological Toll of Heat Waves

Khullar’s article explores how heat waves strain our bodies, leading to not just discomfort but serious health risks. From dehydration to heatstroke, the consequences of prolonged exposure to extreme heat can be dire.

The Role of Hydration and Health Monitoring

This brings us to the importance of hydration and health monitoring, especially during heat waves. Dehydration exacerbates the negative effects of heat on the body, making it crucial to maintain optimal hydration levels. This is where the work of Impact Vitals becomes invaluable.

Impact Vitals: A Beacon in the Heat

At Impact Vitals, we focus on developing cutting-edge technology to monitor vital health parameters, including hydration levels. With our innovative solutions, individuals can better manage their health during extreme weather conditions, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.


The insights provided by The New Yorker article underscore the importance of being vigilant about our health in the face of climate change. Through the efforts of companies like Impact Vitals, we can equip ourselves with the tools needed to navigate these challenges, prioritizing our health and well-being even as the temperatures rise.

Link to New Yorker Article: